November 23, 2012

Urban Uprising: Re-imagining the City, Nov. 30-Dec. 1

In the wake of the 2008 explosion of the current economic crisis, more and more people are actively fighting to restore what they’ve lost. Not since the ‘60s have so many people across the globe taken to the streets to demand a more just and democratic society, access to housing, health care, education, food, jobs, a clean and safe environment and lives free from police violence. Most of these uprisings are rooted in the urban landscape. Many of their demands imply a major transformation in the way our cities work. During this amazing moment of crisis and mobilization, it’s important that we ask ourselves: What kind of city do we want to see?
Urban Uprising on Nov 30 is free and open to the public.
Re-imagining the City on Dec 1 is a sliding scale admission.
Pre-registration below includes both days.
Register here:

Readings / Resources

“How do we create a culture that is life-affirming rather than life-destroying...?” This question, posed by James Boggs in Detroit in 1987, is at the core of the urban uprisings we are exploring in this conference. On our second day, “Re-imagining the City,” we are asking participants to engage in the exploration of a number of concepts that have animated urban uprisings—such as the “right to the city” and “transformative organizing.” Below are a few readings elucidating these concepts that we hope will be useful in preparing for the discussions.

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